CrossFit Coordinate - Your Goals

Our vision states "At CrossFit Coordinate, our members' success is our success. Their health and fitness goals become our goals.  We care about them."

By setting some SMART goals and sharing them with us, we can help you achieve them.

SMART Goals Meet the Following Criteria

Specific - One of the biggest mistakes people make when setting goals is not being specific enough. For example, saying "I want to work out more" is great, but not specific. Try something like "I would like to attend a 12 classes a month"

Measurable - When it comes to fitness, no achievement is insignificant, but try and be specific. For example, I want to feel better in my clothes is a good goal, but how do you measure that? Try something like "I want to lose 2 inches from the waist and hip measurements"

Achievable - There’s a difference between a goal being challenging and a goal being achievable. Especially in terms of fitness, setting a realistic, attainable goal on what you can achieve in a set time frame means avoiding injury or developing unhealthy habits.

Relevant - For instance, if you work 60 hours a week, setting a goal of working out for an hour every day, 7 days a week, can lead you to burnout within the first week.Instead, start with the more relevant goal to work out 3 times a week.

Timebound - Setting a specific deadline for your goals will help keep them a priority. Plus, when you set smaller, more attainable goals within those big-picture goals, your timeframe can be shorter. That means you can accomplish goals sooner

Submit Your Goal Here